Te Kura Māori o Porirua

(04) 235 9617 tari@kura-porirua.school.nz 392 Warspite Ave, Ascot Park, Porirua 5024

Kids Can Registration

Education equals opportunity. At KidsCan they believe by leveling the playing field, children whose families are struggling will have the same opportunity to learn as others. It's all about providing a hand up!

How it works
Kids Can work in partnership with 741 low decile schools throughout New Zealand to deliver essential items their students would otherwise go without. By working directly with Schools we're able to reach the students most in need of our support, ensuring they are fed, warm and healthy so they can focus on learning.

Kutu Pack
Packs include. Comb and treatment information

Shoes - Black velcro to 13l, laces 1-13 Jacket - Blue soft-shell with kura logo

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